Tuesday 3 September 2019

What'll happen to You If You Start Eating 3 Eggs a Day?

Eggs have been getting a bad rap in the health and fitness community because they are associated with cholesterol and weight gain. Others say they may trigger a heart attack. But you might be missing more benefits than you realized. Bright Side will crack the myths behind eggs, especially the egg yolks and let you know what will happen if you eat 3 eggs a day.

Saturday 10 August 2019

How to cook Cambodian healthy vegetable curry

                   Hello everyone. Today I want to tell you how to prepare a 

healthy vegetable curry. You know, people who like to eat meat 

always say  that vegetable is tasteless but I'm convinced that you 

will be submit to this incredibly delicious vegetable curry herbs and spices.
            Let's take a look how to do it. You can get our recipe in the description like this:
      These are the ingredients. We begin with making a curry paste. Ginger, candle nuts, onion, garlic, lemongrass, some fresh red chili, galangal, and some dried chili. Cut all these ingredients into small pieces, so that it is easy to be blended with the food processor. This is the ginger, candle nut and the garlic, yam, tofu, coconut milk. You can just put it into the food processor straight away. As for the   onion, cut into large chunks. As for the lemongrass, cut away the stem and remove the outer sheath, the first layer. Then cut it into slices. As for the red chili, remove the stem and then cut it lengthwise and use the knife to remove the pith and the seed, and then cut it into small pieces. Put it into the food processor. If you like the curry to be spicier, add one or two of these kind of dried chili. Cut into small pieces and throw it into the food processor.  Galangal is the Last. The outer part of the galangal is quite hard and fiber. Cut it away otherwise it is quite difficult to blend it into a smooth paste. Cut the galangal into thin slices so that it is easy to blend. Now we have all the ingredients for the curry paste inside the food processor. Cover it, add a little bit of oil to facilitate blending and blend it until really smooth.
                  You may add some water if you find it is too dry, it will take about five or even more than five minutes, to turn it into a smooth paste. When five minutes is up, transfer the curry paste into a pan. Saute the curry paste over low heat until all the water has evaporated. After some time and what is left now are only the herbs and spices and the oil. And now it starts to thicken.
                From now on you have to keep stirring it because it tends to stick easily.
              After the curry paste turns aromatic, now we can move on to the next step.
              Now let's prepare the vegetables. You can use any vegetables you like but today I'm using the vegetables that are commonly used by the Cambodian for this recipe.
            This is called snake bean which is a variation of long bean and French bean.
            Next eggplant; you can use the eggplant that is long; it's really up to you.
            And a stick of carrot; I also include tofu puffs in the recipe.
          If you do not have tofu puffs, substitute with any other kinds of firm Tofu.
         Cut the tofu puffs into two. Lastly I also include some cabbage in this recipe.
           Now let's get back to the curry paste. Heat it up and add half a cup of fresh coconut milk, and also vegetable stock.
            If you don't have vegetable stock you can just use water or you can add some vegetable seasoning powder. Bring it to a boil and add the turmeric powder, curry powder, the kaffir lime leaves, a few pieces of kaffir lime leaves and curry leaves. If you find it is too thick you can always add some additional vegetable stock or water. You can season now with sugar and salt. Now we add in the vegetables, starting from those needs more time to cook: the carrot, the cabbage. Simmer until both vegetables start to turn soft. Next the eggplants; and the beans; Cook for another five to ten minutes until the vegetables are soft, then add the tofu puffs. The tofu pants are always added last because it is already cooked.
            Once it is done remove and serve. Do not cook any longer because the vegetable will then lost the vibrancy color. This is the Cambodian style vegetable curry, best to serve along with plain rice. This is how I prepare the healthy vegetable curry style. I hope you enjoy it. Thank you very much.

Tuesday 6 August 2019

How to do the best fried rice recipe

            Hello everyone, I hope you guy know how to cook very well. But today I am going to tell you how to do good fry rice and showing you the best fried rice recipe ever don't play the first things first how to cook fried rice you gotta get all your stuff ready Hey! you must I repeat you must I have someone around  it's all good guys you must get everything ready okay second step in making fry rice you need a really good season wok next flame keep this up push you guys in guys don't sleep on this recipe day it's the best fried rice.
             Here are some of my Ingredients :some rice, four eggs, walsman powder, oil, marinade, shallots, green onions, garlic, peas, carrots, chicken, tomb race, white pepper, salt, soy sauce, sugar.

Hello everyone, I hope you guy know how to cook very well. But today I am going to tell you how to do good fry rice and showing you the best fried rice recipe ever don't play the first things first how to cook fried rice you gotta get all your stuff ready Hey! you must I repeat you must I have someone around  it's all good guys you must get everything ready okay second step in making fry rice you need a really good season wok next flame keep this up push you guys in guys don't sleep on this recipe day it's the best fried rice.
           Here have oil as every time make fry rice I get I get like a slight heart attack just because how fast I'm going, you know but this wok guys want some heats up its goal time , we got four eggs here Walsman powder light gas furnace, hey! guys in a bit don't you get it out a bit , there you are got a bug in there guys this guy's like see that next we got oil again there need chicken here just leftover marinade can you guys I'm not I'm not even sure about you guys.
       We got oil .Venus shallots, we got green onions we got garlic, next peas and carrots just a tad bit next some right being year old right I got half a teaspoon a tomb race just for some color 1/2 teaspoon of white pepper, top teaspoon of salt, tablespoon of this awesome, top tablespoon of soy sauce, half tablespoon sugar.
         We're gonna have to get more oil in this that's an age the mix got a chicken I ate here nicely there's a big workout here guys get guys you got it we lose when your fries don't move it, that chicken fried rice for you guys, let's taste this just for seasoning you, guys kind of come through wait up I got you guys who wants one for take-out ,it is chicken fry rice you can't get ,just drop your address I'll come through, guys I got you I got you I want to say, this guy’s there are levels two fried Rice's there's levels so you got to know the levels you see what I did there just follow the level cuz and you guys would be in a good place guys but it is fry rice or chicken fry rice or top that's got it nice super pop for this do not skip any step you guys see what I did there do not I repeat do not skip any step okay the chicken guys you guys just got to need to season with or just marinate any chicken in some soybean sauce or soy beans or sweet soya sauce and you'll be perfect most beautiful thing ever and if you plan on making progress this is the crucial step get invest I say again invest into a walk you can't make fried rice without a wall that walk is special that is that what has this special taste to us which makes that really nice guys very nice Kanji you balance all the flavor guys because I'm not always gonna be a fry rice fried rice fried rice later you gotta get something piccoli or spicy stop mmm-hmm now right mmm probably the best fried rice I ever taught my mom.
                       I should've showed you guys love chicken restroom but you guys want this chicken recipe the chicken recipe guys mmm it's pretty good, I said let's take 10 here are you guys writing this down take 10 dark meat chicken all right are you writing is go time document skinless boneless do have no not do 1/2 a tablespoon 2 tablespoon of fish sauce, a tablespoon sugar, then up to lambasted for garlic 1 tablespoon of sugar now 1 tablespoon of ginger then do 1 onion a small onion chopped it up burn it up all go toward him throw 2 tbsp oil in hmm I have 2 tbsp curry powder there this let that man named for 5 hours the most amazing thing ever know that to Mike is just there for the color guys if you didn't add the clue wreck or if you didn't have the two brick there was just a nice plain my gosh 10 yellow
                   If I get really hot today I want to get over your mouth just because this fried rice is beyond delicious fried rice is a perfect dish to make when you have leftovers it's just a perfect model everything in this guy's perfect mount chicken perfect amount of veggies just a perfect amount of everything

Monday 5 August 2019

What is the difference in meaning between "take and get"

Hello everyone .Today I want to Explain you about the difference between “take and get”. Are you confused? I'm confused a lot. But, I mean, about English, because this is what you're here for. I'm going to teach you today about two confusing verbs that maybe, after this lesson, will not be confusing.
                Yes! The two verbs that are very confusing in English are "get" and "take"; or "got" in the past tense and "took". So, you might be translating from your language, and you would say: "I took a beer” and maybe your friend goes: "Oh my god, that's terrible." And you say: "Well, no, it was delicious. I quite liked the beer." So, we have to be careful when we use these two verbs. And it's a little bit difficult to explain, but hopefully I can do it.
                Confusing verbs: "get", "take"; "got", "took". The easiest way for you to think about this is: "got" is going to be a passive situation for you. So, think about it, that you are not doing anything; you're just sitting there, looking dull-eyed at something, and someone is going to-dunh-dunh-dunh-dunh-give you something.
          So, if you can understand that "get" and "got" is passive; that someone gives it or gave it to you - this is the foundation of understanding "get" and "got". In this situation, you're going to have two people: You and the person who actually gives you something. Stay with me, here.
           "Take" and "took" is going to be only one person; it's going to be you, and you are doing the action. So, we can think that this verb is going to be active; there's only you and you are doing the action. So, you do or you did something to get, or to achieve, or to obtain the item. In this one, someone gave it to you or someone gives it to you. We need the "s" here, because this is singular. So, someone gives it to you or someone gave it to you.
             Think about in a restaurant. You're sitting in a restaurant or a bar, and you would like a drink. You're thirsty. You want a big glass of milk. So, you wait there and the server comes over, and they give you the milk. Yes, you're so happy. So, you take the milk and you drink it. So, what about a beer? Are you going to say: "I got a beer" or "I took a beer"?
          What's the difference? If you say: "I got a beer", it means that someone gave you the beer; someone delivered you the beer. But if you say: "I took a beer", you have to be careful, and because this means that you are stealing. Uh-oh. So, if you take something, you have to be careful. If you take it without permission, it's stealing. But if someone says: "Here, here, here. Take this", then it's okay. So, if you say: "I took a beer", this can have two meanings. One, it can mean that you went to the fridge; you took the beer yourself.
            There's nobody else to serve you or to give you a beer. The second meaning with this is that you're actually stealing the beer, so you go, and you take the beer. So, "take" has the extra element of having permission or without permission. So, "permission" means someone said it's okay; and without permission, you are stealing it. So, without permission is illegal and I do not recommend it; unless you want to steal some money from a bank and then give it to me. That's a good thing.
I will take your money. Okay? Give me your money. I'm going to get your money. Give it to me. Let's go through some examples. Let's see if this makes sense to you. So, I want you to think. If we have the noun: "a cold"-achoo-do you get a cold or do you take a cold? So, colds or viruses are transmitted through people, so logically, this is two people; someone actually gives you a cold. So, the correct answer here would be...Uh-oh. I got a cold because somebody gave it to me.
       No, that's a bad thing. This word: "a flyer". Not someone who flies. "A flyer" is like a brochure or a paper advertisement. So, you can go to the mall or you can go somewhere, and people will have flyers. Now, usually there's a flyer sitting on a counter. What do you do? Do you get the flyer or do you take it? You take the flyer, because it's only you. Nobody is saying: "Here. Here; have a flyer."
       You are going to take a flyer. Next one. In supermarkets, sometimes people are very nice and they give you free food. This is called "a sample". So, "a sample" means a small portion of something you get for free. Usually they put a tray on a counter, or they hold it, and they say: "Take one. Do it. Take one. "So you are physically taking the sample. So, again, you would use "take", because you're grabbing it. You do the next one. "A raise" Let me tell you what it is first. So, "a raise" means an increase in your pay. This is a very good thing. So, do you take a raise or do you get a raise?
                Thinking time the answer is: "get" or "got". So, your boss gives you the raise, and there are two people, so you can say: "I got a raise" or "I get a raise".
              This is with money as well. "A paycheck" means your pay at the end of your slaving work hours. So, do you think that you can steal a paycheck? Can you take a paycheck or do you think you get a paycheck? Does someone give you the paycheck or do you physically obtain the paycheck?
What do you think?  The answer is "got". So, your boss or someone gives you the paycheck, so you got the paycheck. Do you get it now? Do you get it?
Oh, I hope so. Do this one. A coffee.
So, you and your friends are tired and you say: "Hey, let's go ____ a coffee."
Are you going to take a coffee or get a coffee?
Do you have money?
              If you have money, you are going to get the coffee because someone in the coffee shop is going to make it for you and they're going to give it to you. So, you got the coffee.
          Now, if you don't have any money or you're feeling a bit mischievous, and you say: "I took the coffee", that would mean that you stole it, which is not good.
Don't steal coffee. Steal money. Rob banks; give it to me.
      A new car.
    Oh, by the way, if you would like to buy me a new car, I really like Hondas.
Oh, you don't want to give me a new car.
Maybe I will take a new car.
So, if I take a new car, I would go to jail because I'm stealing.
So, I would get or I got a new car because you gave it to me.
Thank you.
I can have more than one.
So, Ronnie got new cars from the help of everyone out there.
Oh, no I didn't?
Okay. So, you would say: "I got new cars."
For Ronnie.
If you took the car, you would be stealing it.
Bad people; don't steal cars.
What about this one?
If I say: "I ____ a car."
This is an example.
If you steal it, you would say: "I took a car", but don't tell people.
Then you get caught.
So, this, if you take a car, this is without permission; very bad.
The last one: If you are on medication or you have to take some drugs...
No, no, no, not that kind of drugs.
We call medication "pills", so pills are things that the doctor gives you to help you.
Do you think you get pills every day or do you take pills every day?
So, you think about it.
You wake up in the morning, there are the pills.
There's no one there.
There's no one there to serve you the pills, so you are going to do the action yourself;
you are going to take your pills.
So, you can say: "I took..." or "Every day I take my pills."
So, I want you to understand something very important about English grammar and confusing
verbs is a lot of the time there are exceptions to the rules or exceptions to an idea.
For example, if I say: "I am going to take a dump"...
"Why is that funny, Ronnie?
'Take a dump', what does that mean?
Where are you taking it and what is a dump?"
So, a dump means a poo or number two, or a big...
I can't say that word; it's a bad word, but it's "s-h-i-t".
So, if you have to take a big dump, you're going to say: "I am going to take a dump."
And then it's confusing because when you do the action, there's only one person.
I hope.
There's only one of you.
And you don't need permission; you're doing it yourself.
But you're not actually receiving anything.
The toilet is receiving something, but you're not.
So this is an exception to the rule.
You're definitely not... someone's definitely not giving you the dump; that would be disgusting,
but you're taking the dump.
So, we have to be careful with our English verbs because there are many exceptions to this. I'm going to take a lesson.
Huh? Are you stealing my lessons?
Oh. Are you stealing my lessons again?
No, don't steal my lessons.
So, if you take something without permission, somebody might steal your poo.
Go ahead. You got my poo.
Awe some.
So, confusing verbs: "get", "got"; "take", "took".
They're so confusing; we have extra rules for them.
If you have more confusing verbs that you would like me to put in a lovely explanation, please comment; and maybe, if you're lucky, I'll do them for you.

Sunday 4 August 2019

Can I / Could I / May I

         Hi, everybody. 
        I'm  Chantha and  I'm going to teach you how to ask someone for permission.
Okay so before I teach you that, let's first talk about what permission means. Okay so...
When you want to ask someone if it's okay to do something, you're asking for permission.
Okay again, you want to do something, you don't know if it's okay, so you ask someone.
For example, maybe you want to borrow something. Then you should ask someone.
If you just take it that's stealing, right? So you have to ask.
Is it okay? Alright? .So there are three ways to ask for permission in English.
The first way is to say, "Can I...?" "Can I...?" Okay.
The second way is "Could I...?" "Could I...?"
And the third way is, "May I...?" "May I...?" Okay.

Three ways to ask for permission in English
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So 'can I', 'could I', and 'may I' are all good ways to ask for permission.
But the third one, 'may I', is more polite. Okay. So if you want to ask somebody who has more power, maybe your parents. may be your teacher, then you should say 'may I'. Maybe even to somebody that you don't know very well, it's better to say may I because again it's more polite. So let's look at these examples. Okay so I've written 'can I', 'could I', and 'may I' on the board. Remember, after these three, you have to say a verb. Okay so let's look at the verbs. help' 'see' 'have' 'call' 'borrow' 'go' 'speak' and 'go' again. Okay so I know I went through that a little bit quickly but we're going to go through it slowly now. Okay so here's what we'll do. I'm going to read and try to switch some around. Okay?So...
"Can I help you?"
"Can I help you?"
let's try that a little bit faster.
"Can I help you?"
"Can I help you?"
Now remember, you can also say 'could I' and 'may I'.
For example, if you're walking through a department store, and the salesperson comes to you,
they would probably say, "May I help you?" because they want to be polite to the customer.
So again,  "May I help you?"
"Can I see you again?"
"Can I see you again?"
A little bit faster.
"Can I see you again?"
Maybe you like someone you met them and you like them
and you want to see them again next time,
So you say, "Can I see you again?" Okay.
"Can I have some water?"
"Can I have some water?"
Let's try a couple with 'could'.
"Could I call you later?"
"Could I call you later?"
Again, remember, you can use all three, but we're doing 'could'.
"Could I call you later?"
"Could I borrow some money?"
Okay. You usually borrow money from a friend or somebody that you know,
so that's why it's better to say maybe 'can I' or 'could I'.
"Could I borrow some money?"
"Could I go?"
You want to leave, so you're asking if it's okay. "Could I go?"
Okay and remember 'may I' is polite okay .
you want to say that to someone who's a little bit more important,
maybe someone you don't know.
Again you would use 'may I'.
So "May I speak to mr. Kim?"
Maybe you called his office, okay, so you say,
"May I speak to mr. Kim?"
And the last one -
"May I go to the bathroom?"
This one is maybe if you're asking a teacher.
Right? You're in class and you have to go, you can ask a teacher
"May I go to the bathroom?"
Again, 'can I' 'could' 'can' and 'could' are both okay.
But maybe it's more polite....
If you want to be polite, you should say,
"May I go to the bathroom?"
And I'm sure the teacher will like that better because you're being polite.
Okay. So...
In this video we learned three ways to ask for permission.
Let's go through them one more time.
Could I and may I
Okay well I hope I helped and I'll see you guys next time bye.

Saturday 27 July 2019

Verb " have" ordinary verb

         As you used to know before  "have" is a special verb or modal verb  , it can make interrogative  and negative forms by itself. but now we study about the verb"have"is as ordinary verb. it can not make Interrogative or negative itself, it need help from auxiliary verb"do" .Okay , we study about it's form one by one below:
    Here is its affirmative forms
the verb"have"is as ordinary verb. it can not make Interrogative or negative itself, it need help from auxiliary verb"do" .
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These some examples:
       - Tom has two dogs .
       - Sopheap has two sisters and one brother.
       - The table has four legs.
       - Tom and Sopheap have two dogs and one cat.
       - We have three reading books in our room.
      -  You have a pair of white shoes.
       OK, we already knew about how to make affirmative of verb have  that have is ordinary verb. Now lets us tell you how to make an interrogative form of ordinary have . we form the interrogative by using auxiliary verb do to help .
      Here is its form: Do/does+ subject +have+object

Now lets us tell you how to make an interrogative form of ordinary have . we form the interrogative by using auxiliary verb do to help .

For more examples:
          - Do you have a reading book in your bag?
          - Do you have a correction pen with you ?
          - Does Tom have telephone number?
          - Do Marry and John have computers?
          OK, now we study altogether how to make negative form of have in ordinary verb, I hope you already know that verb have in ordinary verb , it can not make question and negative form by itself.it always need helping verb do to help making negative and interrogative form, so, here is negative form of have:
          Subject +do/does+not+have+object.

OK, now we study altogether how to make negative form of have in ordinary verb, I hope you already know that verb have in ordinary verb , it can not make question and negative form by itself.it always need helping verb do to help making negative and interrogative form, so, here is negative form of have:            Subject +do/does+not+have+object.

   For more examples:
   - I don't have a reading book with me today.
   - Tom and Jerry don't have good weapons.
   -  Carol doesn't have a good guitar.
   - It doesn't have a good playlist.
   -  It doesn't have WiFi here.
   - we don't have colors pen.
   - All the students in this class don't have football.
   - The teacher doesn't have a reading book with him today.


         Today we're gonna be whipping together some wholesome meals that are perfect for lunch or dinner these recipes were,  meant to be really easy I think on , average we whip them together in about 20 minutes or so they're really quick filling comforting fresh tasty. nutritious of course I want to take a brief moment to think weeks as well for partnering with us .
           I'm gonna chat more about them at the end for now we're gonna get started on making the recipes the first recipe, we're gonna make is this incredibly delicious veggie noodle stir-fry with a creamy peanut lime sauce it's a dish loaded with a variety of rainbow colored veggies so we're going to begin by cooking 125 grams of dry noodles according to the package instructions here we used cow my noodles but you could also use ramen brown rice or soba noodles and while this cooks we're gonna finely mince 2 shallots doing the same to 2 cloves of garlic we're then gonna add this to a pan on medium-high heat with a bit of oil and cook it for a couple minutes you can add a splash of water if needed to deglaze the pan but I'm gonna thinly slice to medium bell peppers we used a red one and a yellow one and once it's all sliced we can then cut it again in half lengthwise we're then gonna peel and cut two carrots into thin matchsticks or alternatively you could shred them and then we're gonna add this all to the pot along with about a cup of shredded purple cabbage just to add a pop of color cook this for two minutes until it's just heated up cooked through but still crunchy so while that all cooks we're gonna prepare the peanut lime sauce by adding three tablespoons of peanut butter to a jar or bowl you can substitute it for tahini or almond butter ,  if you're allergic or don't like peanut butter or then gonna add the juice from one lime one and a half tablespoons each of sodium reduced soy sauce and sesame oil a tablespoon of hoisin and Sri Racha hot sauce or other mild hot sauce and half of a tablespoon of agave syrup we're then going to shake it or mix it until it's all well combined and creamy.
                                 When their noodles are cooked we're going to drain it and then add it to the pan of vegetables we're going to pour over the sauce and toss everything to combine once you've served some of the noodles for yourself into a bowl or on a plate you can then top it with a generous amount of roasted cashews and some fresh thinly sliced scallions some sliced red chilies or cilantro when it's hot I actually think the dish tastes really good if you enjoy it cold so you can choose whichever you think you might prefer and it keeps really well in the fridge too so you can enjoy it as leftovers as well for this next recipe we're going to be making this refreshing quinoa and chickpea summer salad with a zesty roasted garlic dressing we're gonna first preheat the oven to 200 Celsius or 290 Fahrenheit and then we're gonna cut the head off of a bulb of garlic transfer it to a baking dish and pour over about a teaspoon of oil then roast it for 15 to 20 minutes or until it's lightly golden meanwhile we're gonna cook 1 cup of dry quinoa according to the package instructions and once.
                    It's cooked this is gonna make about 2cups worth of cooked quinoa to a large bowl we're gonna add a cup of cooked chickpeas mine were just drained and rinsed from a jar and to the bowl we're also going to add two bell peppers that have been chopped we used a red one and an orange one just to bury up the colors in the salad we're then gonna dice 1/3 of a large cucumber 1 medium tomato also diced a handful of kalamata olives that are chopped a sprig of green onion also known as scallion thinly sliced and a quarter cup of dried cranberries you can add it whole or chopped it up a bit like I'm doing here whichever you prefer by now that quinoa should be done cooking so we're gonna set it aside and remove the garlic from the oven and once it's cool enough to handle we're gonna remove each clove and place it into a bowl it's super soft so it's gonna mash easily using a fork and then we're gonna add the rest of  then ingredients to make the dressing we're gonna add the juice from two whole lemons which is gonna make this dressing refreshing Lee zesty 2 tablespoons of olive oil 1 tablespoon of tahini which if you can't find it at the store we have a recipe on how to make it at home link is in the description a teaspoon each of soy sauce and balsamic vinegar and onion powder and a sprinkle of freshly ground pepper give it a whisk and that's it once we've added the quinoa to the salad we can then pour over the zesty roasted garlic dressing and toss everything to coat at the end I added half of a cup of coarsely chopped roasted almonds along with some reserved dried cranberries and scallions for garnish like the previous recipe  this   one can be enjoyed both warm or cold and it can also be made in advance to enjoy in the coming days so long as the dressing is stored separately from the salad it's a refreshing feeling but still light salad that's perfect for the warmer weather the final recipe is this creamy spinach mushroom and coconut curry it's just bursting with flavor to make this we're gonna first finely chopped 1 medium onion and finely mince 3 cloves of garlic we're then gonna peel a thumb-sized piece of ginger and finely mince it as well to a large pot on medium-high heat we're gonna add a couple of teaspoons of oil and then the onion garlic and ginger mixture give it a stir and let it cook for about 3 minutes you can add a splash of water if needed to deglaze the pan so while this cooks we're gonna thinly slice about 15 small mushrooms and back to the pot we're gonna add 2 cups of cooked chickpeas and the mushrooms giving it a stir and letting it cook for another 5minutes while this cooks we're gonna thinly sliced 1 red bell pepper cutting it in half again lengthwise and back to the pot on the mushrooms of softened we're gonna add the spices a tablespoon of curry powder and half of a teaspoon of paprika powder we're gonna saute this for about a minute to let the spices bloom which brings out the flavor of the spices even more and then we're gonna add a can of coconut milk. we used full fat you can use reduced fat if you prefer and then we're adding the red bell peppers and a bit of salt and pepper cooking it again for a couple more minutes meanwhile we're gonna slice about two handfuls of cherry tomatoes adding this to the pot at the very end along with four big handfuls of as you stir it in cooking just for a little while longer you're gonna start to notice the spinach is going to start to soften and when it softens sufficiently enough you can remove it from the heat this dish is perfect to enjoy with some naan or rice here we use some whole-grain red rice and serve it alongside a generous few scoops of the curry the garnish we used fresh cilantro dried chili flakes and a squeeze of lemon works really well for this one too as with most curries this one can be enjoyed right away. 

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What'll happen to You If You Start Eating 3 Eggs a Day?

Eggs have been getting a bad rap in the health and fitness community because they are associated with cholesterol and wei...
